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Agricultural Fencing

Layout of Fence

We start our projects by laying the fence out on our GPS system. We do this to minimize the impact on the property and make sure the fence line is as straight as possible. After walking the fence line using our handheld GPS, making sure the fence is going where it benefits the livestock, we attach the mower to the tractor and mow as little as possible to give us room to work. Our goal is to provide our client with a fence that meets their needs while minimizing impact on the surrounding land. 


On all of our projects we look for opportunities to reduce waste, reuse materials, and recycle as much as possible. On this particular project (pictured) we worked with the client and were able to reuse over 90% of t-posts from other areas on the farm. This client was cross fencing pastures for rotational grazing and had some fence lines that were no longer needed. The t-posts didn't all match in appearance but served their intended purpose. There was quite a bit of wire that was reused as well.

Steel Braces

We offer a full steel fence system to our clients. The "backbone" of a fence is the bracing, utilizing the steel fence system makes the fence stronger than using wood. The steel fence will last longer, minimizes waste, and the waste that is produced is able to be recycled.

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